It may be one of the world’s largest producers of steel but Tata’s Northamptonshire plant in Corby, had a very different requirement recently……..concrete and lots of it!
The huge operation, which supplies much of the UK’s steel requirement, is visited every day by dozens of heavy goods vehicles which have a huge impact on the site.
HBPW engineer, Tom Flint, said: “These lorries are substantial because of the nature of what they are required to carry.
“Until recently drivers entering the Corby site were asked to park up on what to all intents and purposes, was a smashed up concrete area, once home to an old shed measuring approximately 150m x 62m.”

However, management realised that it was not a long-term solution and decided to give the area a new lease of life.
“We asked HBPW’s drone pilot, Will Withers, to carry out a topographical survey of the site ahead of any work starting so that we knew exactly what we were dealing with,” said Tom.
“We then produced drawings and calculations to support the new hard standing area, along with the necessary drainage requirements, ahead of working with Tarmac to overcome the practicalities of laying concrete.”
Around 6,780 tonnes of roller compacted concrete was used to complete the job.
“This is a particularly dry mix and, once laid in strips by a road paver, it dries very quickly meaning it can also be loaded quickly, ideal in industrial environments where there may be heavy, slow moving vehicles. We achieved a great outcome”