HBPW engineers with an eye for a story were reading about a severe fire at Retford Specsavers one minute, only to find themselves working as part of the reconstruction team the next.

The three-storey Market Place shop, just a few hundred metres from HBPW’s Bridgegate offices, is passed by staff daily en-route to work or the local sandwich shop.
But they didn’t expect to witness the partial collapse and charred remains of the retail outlet despite dozens of firefighters battling to save the premises following an explosion.

Grove Street was cordoned off between the mini roundabout and the traffic lights as emergency services attended. There was extensive damage and one member of shop staff was injured.
Partner Emyr Parry said: “Shortly after the blaze Axion Construction called us in to design and detail all remedial works required to secure the building including new first and second floors.

“I am delighted to report that the outlet – a key part of the town’s retail line up – has already reopened and, despite the initial shock of what happened, appears to have made a full retail recovery and is once again providing a valuable service to the town.”