The 10,500 square metre extension to French multinational CG Roxane’s bottling plant in Lichfield, Staffordshire, is now fully operational thanks to a successful partnership between HBPW and Sheffield based Jarvale Construction.
The company first entered the UK market around seven years ago, opening its £20m facility at Fradley Park in the Summer of 2012 using spring water from the village of Elmhurst 3km away.
Its tipple – branded as Cristaline – proved so popular that the company decided on a major expansion at its eight acre West Midlands site with the aim of tripling its already 68,000 bottles an hour output.

Senior HBPW engineer, Shaun Strugnell, said: “It was a major undertaking when you consider what needed to happen within the new building, let alone from a construction and engineering perspective. Much of the new operation uses artificial intelligence and, as you can imagine, output is huge.
“This was a great partnership between Jarvale and ourselves and it is professionally reassuring to know that we have both played such a key part in facilitating the major expansion of what is now one of the UK’s largest bottling plants.”

HBPW produced engineering drawings for the floor slab foundations and external works including drainage and hard standings.
Roxane has 40 production sites across Europe, a presence in 70 countries and 43% penetration of the French spring water market with its Cristaline brand. The company produces in the region of four billion bottles a year.